TSM GLOBAL Construction Equipment Dealer Meetings, organized in 3 stages within the scope of pandemic measures, ended with the meeting held in Istanbul.
The dealer meeting event, which was held online in the previous periods, was held in Adana, Ankara and Istanbul in three stages with the decrease in the number of Kovid 19 cases. The dealers attending the meeting on a regional basis exchanged views on the new year’s targets as well as the evaluation of the last year.
The importance of training service personnel was pointed out at the meetings where steps to be taken to further enlarge and make efficient the dealer structure developed by TSM GLOBAL on the basis of “customer satisfaction”. In the meetings where mobile services were emphasized, the importance of on-site maintenance-repair and preventive maintenance was underlined. It was stated by the participants that the meetings, in which many subjects were discussed, from parts supply, service planning, periodical maintenance agreements to personnel training, were very beneficial.